exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

a cinderella and cinderella, prince charming and prince charming kinda story

by J at 9:31 am on 17.05.2004 | 1 Comment
filed under: mutterings and musings

Congratulations to all my gay friends back home! For that matter, congratulations to everyone. Gay marriage isn’t just a victory for gays – it’s a victory for civil rights groups everywhere. As the article puts it, somewhere there is a child watching right now… and this will change his or her life.

The analysis and endless legal battles will certainly continue tomorrow. But today, it’s all about the joy and beauty of people falling in love, getting married, and living happily ever after.

For today, the fairytale belongs to everyone.

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    Pingback by Jen’s Den of Iniquity » get with the programme

    5.12.2005 @ 19:10 pm

    [...] it’s happening all around the world, whether the u.s. likes it or not – gay marriage. call it what you will, but partnerships which are recognised by the government as conferring the same priviledges and responsibilities as those between heterosexual couples, are spreading like wildfire. I mentioned it here before, when my home state became the first in the union. [...]

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