exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

glutton for punishment

by Jen at 8:36 pm on 27.10.2007 | 5 Comments
filed under: this sporting life

well i finished! 5:49:04 – not as good as i’d hoped, i was aiming for 5:30.

in the end, i hated every single minute of it. i mean, i knew it was going to be hilly, and my strategy was to walk up the hills and run everything else i could. but it was so hilly that huge swathes of it were more like an extremely steep, strenuous hike. the rest of it was very difficult terrain – i’m still not sure how i managed to avoid falling for the whole thing – loose rocky bits, slick grassy downhills, rooted forest floor, all threatening to twist an ankle with every step. much of the running was on a cant, making my knees complain.

the scenery was spectacular, but since i almost tripped every time i lifted my eyes from the path, i didn’t spend much time gazing at it.

and it was lonely – no spectators to speak of, no one to encourage you when you were struggling. crowd support is so important.

so when they said 3500 ft of ascent, i wasn’t really thinking about it like this (profile of the route)

beachy head profile

still, i finished. it was the hardest marathon i’ve run, and i didn’t have much fun.

so is it really sick that i’m thinking about the next one?

(oh, and of all the things i could have forgotten? i forgot the camera. but of all the things i could have forgotten, i forgot the camera. so no pics, i’m afraid.)

the beatles – i’m so tired

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  • 1

    Comment by Stacey

    28.10.2007 @ 00:51 am

    Congrats! I just texted you, don’t know why I didn’t look here first. grin

  • 2

    Comment by Nicole

    28.10.2007 @ 01:58 am

    Good for you Jen. I’m really proud of you!

  • 3

    Comment by Your Long- Lost Sister

    30.10.2007 @ 20:33 pm

    I am terribly sorry I have not checked in with you recently, I have lots going on. But congratulations!
    love and pain pills…

  • 4

    Comment by nic

    1.11.2007 @ 05:11 am

    wow jen, congrats girl, that is very impressive.

  • 5

    Comment by nikoline

    12.11.2007 @ 01:41 am

    I can’t believe I missed this. Have been living in my own brain too much. Congratulations – that is amazing!

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