exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

who needs babies when you have a cat?

by Jen at 9:21 pm on 26.01.2009 | 3 Comments
filed under: zeke the freak

came home from work today to find a wide swathe of cat puke… strewn all the way across the bed and soaked through the down duvet.

he’s still alive and mewling at me as i type.  i can only conclude that i must love this cat something awful.



  • 1

    Comment by Karen

    27.01.2009 @ 09:04 am

    I’ve been there before!! My sympathy (and empathy) goes out to you.

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    Comment by Nichole

    27.01.2009 @ 10:26 am

    Sounds familiar. Must have been something weird in the cat kingdom yesterday. When I got home I found swathes of cat puke all over the bedroom floor, and the little darling even managed to get a whole pile on the clean neatly folded laundry I left in the basket that morning.

    When I figure out which one of the seven it was…. they are going to get a talking to!

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    Comment by nikoline

    28.01.2009 @ 04:33 am

    i came home to vomit and other signs of stomach ailments all over my kitchen floor on sunday…which needed to be mopped anyway, howevah….still gross. but i still love my junebug. )

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